Because we can’t hyper jump yet, there are some explorations that just aren’t feasible…yet.
One of the things that astronomers have hypothesized over the last several decades is whether or not it rains diamonds on Neptune and Uranus.
The pressures of those planets could actually hold untold riches.
Imagine a world in which diamonds were littering the ground like fallen leaves in autumn.
Then again.
Imagine how incredibly beautiful fallen leaves in autumn would be to someone who has to trudge through pikes of diamonds littering the ground they walked on.
What makes something valuable is that you can’t just go out and find it just anywhere.
A person with a single prized possession often values it more than someone who has many.
You are not one in a million.
You are one of one.
You are the rarest form of commodity.
Don’t waste that trying to emulate somebody else or to be the next somebody else.
Be you.
Be good at being you.
The rest is just garbage littering the street.