The fact of the matter is…the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. It is. And it looks that way because you’re sitting there looking at it.
What you aren’t seeing is all the work that goes into mowing, weeding, trimming, and nurturing that very same grass you think would look even better if you had it. It doesn’t come easy. It can’t. It won’t. Success comes at a cost. There is a burden in life that is different for everyone.It isn’t always the same heavy load, but all of us carry a weight, and no one who’s ever succeeded at anything…at any point in history…has ever, EVER, said that it was an easy road to get there. (at least not without playing head games)
Stop worrying about what you don’t have and focus on what you do.
You’re a Doer. Go out and do something about it.
It takes both a move and a shake to rattle an idea into existence.What are you sitting around here for?
Go. Do.