Worry does not count as billable hours.
Now, if you’re first reaction to that is, “of course they don’t,” I need you to dwell on it a bit longer.
Not because you’re wrong, but rather because it happens all the time.
Projects get behind.
People don’t pull their weight.
Others lie about their progress because they know they are behind.
The stink of it is, most people worry about the work they haven’t done…more than actually doing the work.
Which is to say, everyone’s time gets wasted and the project itself is what suffers the most.
Set deadlines.
Check boxes.
Get the job done.
Worry, perpetuated by not doing what you say you will, doesn’t get you anywhere.
The bell tolls for each of us.
Let’s not leave unfinished business in our wake.
Or, worse yet, unrequited dreams.